
Center for Innovation In Teaching and Learning

April 2024 

iLearn Semester Wrap-Up
April 23, 2024

As the semester wraps up, faculty start to think about grading and making changes for future courses. It is easy to become overwhelmed during this time of year. In this session, we will review a checklist of items to complete to help you close out your current course and prepare for the next semester.  

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Campus Pulse + Course Design
April 16, 2024

Are you utilizing our students’ most requested tools & techniques? Join us as we share results from Spring 2023’s Small Group Instructional Diagnostics (SGIDs).  In this session, we will share what this semester’s small groups said about what’s supporting their learning, what’s hindering their learning, and what suggestions they have to improve their learning. The instructional designers will share how-to strategies for incorporating students’ favorite learning methods and resources for both online and in-person instruction. 


April 9, 2024

Unveil the transformative potential of gamification in higher education at our CITL Tuesday session. Delve into key terminology, effective implementation strategies, and gain insights from real success stories in a faculty spotlight featuring Dr. Scott Christen with his gamified course. Explore dynamic ways to captivate students through game elements such as points and quest boards. Elevate your course into an immersive and engaging learning environment!


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Reaching Students Through Intelligent Agents
April 2, 2024

Do you wish you could help your students celebrate a certain grade or give them a gentle nudge on a due date? iLearn has a set-it-and-forget-it tool to help you do just that. Intelligent Agents is an iLearn tool that will automatically send an email to a student based on an action (like achieving a certain grade on a quiz) or an inaction (like failure to submit an assignment) in a course. In this session, we will show what those automatic emails look like for students and link to resources on how to create Intelligent Agents in your own courses. 

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